Monday, March 24, 2014

MH370 masih tak jumpa, MH066 pula terpaksa mendarat di Hong Kong kerana...

Pesawat MH066 dilencongkan ke HK...

Satu penerbangan Malaysia Airlines ( MAS) pesawat Airbus A330-300 yang dijadualkan ke Incheon, Korea Selatan, terpaksa dilencongkan dan mendarat di Hong Kong hari ini kerana "generator pesawat tidak beroperasi ".

Dalam satu kenyataan, MAS mengesahkan perkara itu, dan menjelaskan bahawa ia melibatkan generator yang membekalkan kuasa elektrik kepada pesawat.

"Bagaimanapun, kuasa elektrik terus dibekalkan oleh unit kuasa elektrik tambahan, " kenyataan itu dipetik.

Penerbangan MH066 berlepas dari Kuala Lumpur pada jam 11.37 malam, semalam dan dijadual tiba di Incheon pada 06:50 pagi ini.

Menurut kenyataan tersebut, MAS memindahkan seramai 271 penumpang dalam penerbangan berkenaan ke penerbangan yang diusahakan syarikat lain.

"Penerbangan pulang, MH067 dari Incheon ke Kuala Lumpur, dibatalkan, dan penumpang telah dipindahkan (ke) syarikat penerbangan lain serta penerbangan MAS berikutnya ke Kuala Lumpur."

Semalam dilaporkan kapal terbang MAS telah melanggar itik kira-kira 10.45 malam, Jumaat lepas ketika mendarat di lapangan terbang Kathmandu di Nepal.

Bagaimanapun, pesawat itu hanya mengalami kerosakan kecil.

MAS juga masih belum menemui pesawat penerbangan MH370 yang hilang tidak lama selepas berlepas dari Kuala Lumpur, dalam perjalanan ke Beijing pada 8 Mac lalu.

Operasi mencari dan menyelamat besar-besaran yang dijalankan masih belum berjaya mengesan pesawat tersebut. - mk

Pesawat China kesan 'objek putih, empat segi'...

Pasukan penyelamat China yang menaiki sebuah pesawat terbang hari ini mengesan beberapa objek ketika menjalankan operasi di selatan Lautan Hindi.

Pasukan itu mengesan objek demikian dalam operasi besar-besaran mengesan pesawat MH370, yang masih belum ditemui dalam operasi yang masuk hari ke-17.

Ia dikesan di kedudukan 95.1113 timur dan 42.5453 selatan, lapor Bernama yang memetik agensi berita China Xinhua.

Menuerut laporan, Xinhua menyebut bahawa objek yang dikesan itu berbentuk empat segi berwarna putih, dalam kawasan yang dikesan oleh satelit sebelum ini.

Setakat ini masih belum dapat dipastikan dimensi fizikal objek tersebut.

Pasukan China menyertai operasi besar-besaran ini dengan menggunakan dua pesawat Ilyushin IL-76 bagi operasi di koridor selatan.

Ia merupakan antara 10 buah pesawat yang melakukan operasi di lokasi pencarian yang terletak kira-kira 2,5000km di barat daya Perth.

Menurut laporan, pasukan China akan menugaskan kapal pemecah ais Xuelong ke lokasi penemuan tersebut.

Menurut kenyataan Pihak Berkuasa Keselamatan Maritim Australia (AMSA), pencarian hari ini dibahagikan kepada dua, dalam kawasan sama meliputi keluasan 68,500 kilometer persegi.

Operasi pada peringkat ini juga lebih mencabar dengan keadaan laut bergelora dan juga ancaman siklon Gillian.

Setakat ini, beberapa petunjuk utama ditemui di sekitar kawasan tersebut adalah imej objek yang dikesan oleh satelit Amerika dan Chia serta imej radar dikesan pasukan Perancis. 
- mk

MH066 makes emergency landing in Hong Kong after electricity generator fails...

A Malaysia Airlines flight from Kuala Lumpur to Incheon Airport in Seoul was forced to make an emergency landing in Hong Kong last night after an electricity generator failed.

Flight MH066 took off from the Malaysian capital at 11.37pm on Sunday and landed at Hong Kong airport at 2.53am Monday morning.

Hong Kong's Civil Aviation Department confirmed the aircraft had experienced problems with its generator.

Fire crews at the airport were put on standby for the arrival of the Airbus 330-300.

A statement from Malaysia Airlines said: "Malaysia Airlines confirms that flight MH066 from Kuala Lumpur to Incheon on 23 March 2014 was diverted to Hong Kong due to an inoperative aircraft generator which supplies normal electrical power.

"However electrical power continued to be supplied by the auxiliary power unit. The aircraft was then diverted to Hong Kong for rectification and landed uneventfully.

"All 271 passengers from MH066 have been transferred on other carriers.

"The return flight MH067 from Incheon to Kuala Lumpur is cancelled and passengers have been transferred on other carriers as well as subsequent Malaysia Airlines flight to Kuala Lumpur."

Dr Steve Thatcher, a senior lecturer of aviation engineering at the University of South Australia, said the generator provides all electrical power for the aircraft.

“Pilots will be told by the computer’s flight management system that there was an error. It depends on what the error is: is it a circuit-breaker that’s gone, is it an overheated power generator unit?

“Every airline for every aircraft has standard operating procedure, and when something happens, they go through the standard operating procedure for that aircraft and the particular incident. Then they would divert to the nearest available aerodrome if its a major incident.”

He added that the pilots would have had shut down the entertainments systems, air conditioning and power in the galley.

Malaysia Airlines fleet of 15 Airbus A330-300Es are only two years old, according to consultant group CAPA Centre for Aviation.

Dr Thatcher said it was not "uncommon" for modern aircraft to have problems early on in its operating life. He said one reason for the Airbus A330 diverting was "they didn't want the second one [the back-up generator] to fail".

On Friday another Malaysia Airlines jet got into trouble after hitting a flock of birds as it landed in the Nepali capital of Kathmandu.

The birds collided with the Boeing 737 as it came in to land, shattering the windshields. the aircraft landed safely and all the 180 passengers and crew on board were safe, said Ratish Chandra Lal Suman, chief of the Civil Aviation Authority Nepal.

Birds hitting aircraft are a common problem at Kathmandu international airport, which is ringed by forested hills.

Suman said the aircraft returned home after the windshields were repaired.

An international search for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 has entered its third week, with still no confirmed trace of the Boeing 777 that vanished on March 8 en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 people on board- scmp

Chinese plane spots 'mysterious object' in Indian Ocean...

 A Chinese plane crew spotted a white, square-shaped object in an area identified by satellite imagery as containing possible debris from the missing Malaysian airliner MH370, China's media said on Monday, while the United States prepared to move a specialized device that can locate black boxes into the region.

The crew aboard an IL-76 plane sighted the object in the southern Indian Ocean search area on Monday and reported the coordinates to the Australian command center, which is coordinating the multinational search, as well as the Chinese icebreaker Snow Dragon, which is en route to the area, Xinhua News Agency reported.

No further details were immediately given. Satellite images from Australia and China had earlier identified possible debris in the area that may be linked to the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 on March 8 with 239 people aboard.

The US Pacific command said it was sending a black box locator in case a debris field is located. The Towed Pinger Locator, which is pulled behind a vessel at slow speeds, has highly sensitive listening capability so that if the wreck site is located, it can hear the black box pinger down to a depth of about 20,000 feet (6,100 meters), Cmdr. Chris Budde, a US Seventh Fleet operations officer, said in a statement.

"This movement is simply a prudent effort to preposition equipment and trained personnel closer to the search area so that if debris is found we will be able to respond as quickly as possible since the battery life of the black box's pinger is limited," Budde said.

There was no sign the move was because of any break in the mystery of the plane that went missing March 8 with 239 people on board, but rather as a preparation.

The Chinese plane was one of two Ilyushins that joined the search Monday from Perth, increasing the number of aircraft to 10 from eight a day earlier.

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority's rescue coordination center said the weather in the area, about 2,500 kilometers (1,550 miles) southwest of Perth, was expected to deteriorate with rain likely.

Australian transport minister Warren Truss said "nothing of note" was found Sunday, which he described as a "fruitless day."

"It's going to be a challenge, but we'll stick at it," he told Australian Broadcasting Corporation radio before the first aircraft left Perth at dawn. "We're just, I guess, clutching at whatever little piece of information comes along to try and find a place where we might be able to concentrate the efforts."

A cyclone bearing down on the Australian northwest coast "could stir up less favorable weather," he said.

Flight 370 while en route from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to Beijing, setting off a multinational search that has turned up no confirmed pieces and nothing conclusive on what happened to the jet.

The latest French satellite data came to light on Sunday as Australian authorities coordinating the search sent planes and a ship to try to locate a wooden pallet that appeared to be surrounded by straps of different lengths and colors.

The French data came after Australian and Chinese satellites earlier identified suspect objects.

The pallet was spotted on Saturday from a search plane, but the spotters were unable to take photos of it.

Wooden pallets are most commonly used by ships but are also used airplane cargo holds, and an official with Malaysia Airlines said Sunday night that the flight was, in fact, carrying wooden pallets. The official spoke on condition of anonymity in keeping with company policy.

In Paris, French foreign ministry spokesman Romain Nadal said in an interview with The Associated Press that the satellite radar echoes "identified some debris that could be from the Malaysian Airlines plane."

The spokesman said that these echoes "are not images with a definition like a photograph, but they do allow us to identify the nature of an object and to localize it."

Gathering satellite echo data involves sending a beam of energy to the Earth and then analyzing it when it bounces back, according to Joseph Bermudez Jr., chief analytics officer at AllSource Analysis, a commercial satellite intelligence firm.

Satellite radar echoes can be converted into an image that would look similar to a black-and-white photo, though not as clear, he said. "You'd have to know what you're looking at," Bermudez said.

A Malaysian official involved in the search said the French data located objects about 930 kilometers (575 miles) north of the spots where the objects in the images released by Australia and China were located.

One of the objects located was estimated to be about the same size as an object captured Tuesday by the Chinese satellite that appeared to be 22 meters (72 feet) by 13 meters (43 feet), said the official, who declined to be identified because he wasn't authorized to speak to the media.

US underwater wreck hunter David Mearns on Monday described the French satellite sighting of potential debris as a "positive development," although he was unaware of the full details.

Mearns was an adviser to British and French search authorities following the loss of Air France Flight 447 in the Atlantic Ocean during a flight from Brazil to Paris in 2009.

He warned that time was running out to find confirmed wreckage that could lead searchers back to the aircraft's black box.

The southern Indian Ocean is thought to be a potential area to find the jet because Malaysian authorities have said pings sent by the Boeing 777-200 for several hours after it disappeared indicated that the plane ended up in one of two huge arcs: a northern corridor stretching from Malaysia to Central Asia, or a southern corridor that stretches toward Antarctica.

Malaysian authorities have not ruled out any possible explanation for what happened to the jet, but have said the evidence so far suggests it was deliberately turned back across Malaysia to the Strait of Malacca, with its communications systems disabled. They are unsure what happened next.

Authorities are considering the possibilities of hijacking, sabotage, terrorism or issues related to the mental health of the pilots or someone else on board.

In the US, Tony Blinken, President Barack Obama's deputy national security adviser, said on CNN: "There is no prevailing theory."

"Publicly or privately, we don't know," he said. "We're chasing down every theory." - TOI

the aftermath...

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