Friday, May 16, 2014

The State of our Nation 2014

 Najib is leader of the 47%
 The problems in our country:-
1.   Weak and insouciant leadership.
2.   Weakened economy- credit ratings down, spending more than we earn, bad spending habits. Plagued with corruption, false pricing, monopoly,
3.   Worsening security situation
4.   Religious ferment

5.   Worsening race relations.
Let us begin with Najib’s leadership.
In a conversation with one of his brothers a few years back- I told the gentleman that Najib is like the Hindu God with several heads. Hindus may view that as all-seeing quality, but in Najib’s case, it means multi-faced. It’s not even double faced. He speaks different things to different groups. In simple terms, Najib lies all the time to different people.
Insouciant leadership.
That is how we can describe Najib’s leadership personality. It means being totally unaffected. It’s as though Najib has self-hypnotised himself to be blank and blur. When ISMA issued incendiary statements- he kept quiet. He makes don’t know. When Perkasa came out with belligerent and coarse remarks- Najib played a mute at the UMNO-friendly group’s quarrelsomeness. UMNO spin masters described that as Najib’s statesmanship. If that IS what you want to call stupidity, we have a bright future then.
The apologists will use words like elegant silence; nonchalance, stoical. I prefer to be less restraining. The less inhibited will use descriptions like empty-headed, vacuous. I think the most appropriate is Najib has Mad’s Alfred what me worry persona.Its Alfred R.Najib.
In Kuantan, just the other day, Najib has issued the latest of the potentially repressive edicts- that human rightism is a threat to Islam. Now what kind of PM speaks to his people like this- using some imaginary dragons to strike as imaginary foes? Instead of stopping religious rightwingism from spreading its tentacles, Najib chose to fan the flames of religious ferment. And he spoke during Quran Recital competition.  What a contradiction in terms.
I am a native of Pekan. My ancestors hailed from Temau, Raub and Pulau Tawar Jerantut. They fought in the Pahang Civil War, fought in the Pahang Rebellion, fought in the Selangor War- fought for king and country then. At the end, they were betrayed. We didn’t come from a line of fat assed feudal chiefs who became rich on the back of toiling peasants. We didn’t bordello or set up knocking shops in the palaces while others fought the people’s war for us. We understand human rights better that those who imagined they do.
I served on Najib’s UMNO divisional Committee for a long time; I served as UMNO Pekan’s Information Chief for 4 years. I served as Najib’s ADUN. Najib became a born again Muslim only these recent years. When he came back from England still full of alcoholic substances in the body, he can’t even pronounce Islamic terms correctly. So I must repeat what I have said in my early speeches- listening to Ayatollah Najib, I am falling off my chair!
The right of people to a decent life, to be treated as a human being with dignity, the right to assemble, the right to speak, the right to choose the type of government, the right to disagree are threats to Islam?
The foundation of a government is that it must be ruled by good mean that rule and govern by the rule of law, enjoins people to do good and persevere to fight evil. There is no clearer enunciation of human rightism that what Islam promotes. Let me quickly add that loyalty and allegiance to any government is a qualified one. It is not absolute just because its name is UMNO. It’s always qualified by insisting that loyalty and allegiance for the rulers is mandatory as long as the government is just and fair.
Instead of setting the vaguest of political agenda, Najib should be clear unless he was muddle headed that day. With Mat Said syndrome spreading around, with some MPs in Sarawak abandoning ship, it was clear Najib was not thinking clear. What are the threats to Islam? Now we know there is an Islam-type UMNO being bandied around by Najib with him as the chief Ayatollah.
By Najib’s admission, the Muslims in Malaysia are timorous souls whose religiosity is ephemeral and can be easily converted. Then he speaks for himself.
What kind of leader is this Najib? The PM is silent on the incendiary remarks made by ISMA. What kind of Islam is ISMA promoting? Najib kept quiet when ISMA made the notorious remarks on trespassers. Najib’s elegant silence encouraged Isma to come out with the clichéd warning about world Jewish conspiracy to destroy Muslim countries. That would have us believe all the problems in Muslim countries where Muslim dictators oppressed Muslim citizens are so because they are indoctrinated by Jewish conspiracy. That would have us further believe, that all the miseries, oppression, tyranny carried out by Muslim dictators are sufferable in order to prevent Jewish conspirators taking over the Muslim nations. That would eventually lead us to believe that Najib will now justify oppressive measures to prevent Jewish imperialism from taking over Malaysia.
Liberalism, NGO-activism, are all Jewish sponsored activities and therefore must be suppressed. What kind of leadership do we have which keeps quiet when things go miserably wrong around us? The PM is fanning the flames of religious extremism by siding with one side. We have the PM championing the rise of Islamic militancy by declaring that Islam is besieged. If so, identify the attackers. 
Christian missionaries? The shadowy Jewish conspirators? The football coaches who are surreptitiously preaching to convert our football players? The missionaries converting the orang aslis and the Sarawak and Sabah pribumis? Why do we care if missionaries convert orang aslis? The latter are not Muslims and Muslim missionaries are averse to roughing it out in orang asli villages. Allow Christian missionaries to do their work among the orang Aslis- if Muslim missionaries are not keen to convert orang Aslis, don’t be envious but give freedom for Christian missionaries to do their work. Just who are attacking Muslims in this country? How is Islam under siege?
The PM has all the intelligence and legal resources. Identify the mischief makers and bring them to book in accordance to the laws of the land. Don’t allow imaginary siege to provide the hawkish elements in the government excuses to justify extra-legal responses. The availability of legal and legitimate coercive resources demand the PM and his government to act responsibly.
Be the PM for Malaysia, not for UMNO and certainly not for Pekan people only. 
Be the PM of Malaysia while you still can.

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