Saturday, January 10, 2015

Khairuddin yang lapor Polis isu 1MDB telah diisytiharkan muflis?

Puncanya dipercayai kerana 'you scratch my back'.. so 'I scratch yours'.. hang dedahkan keburukkan aku jadi aku dedahkan keburukkan hang pulak..

Setelah beberapa siri serangan oleh Naib Ketua UMNO Bahagian Batu Kawan, Khairuddin Abu Hassan terhadap 1MDB yang diasaskan oleh Najib.. tiba-tiba semalam tersebar dokumen Khairuddin telah diistiharkan muflis.

Dokumen mahkamah yang kini sedang hangat diperkatakan oleh blog blog pro UMNO menunjukkan Jabatan Insolvensi Malaysia (MDI) telah isytiharkan Khairuddin Abu Hassan muflis pada 14 Mei 2014 yang lalu, hari sama Mahkamah Tinggi Pulau Pinang keluarkan arahan serupa.

Ekoran perkara ini, sebuah hartanah mewah bernilai RM2.1 juta milik Khairuddin terletak di Mont Kiara yang juga merupakan hadiah perkahwinan buat Umie Aida bakal dilelong pada hari Sabtu ini di Hotel Istana oleh Ng Chan Mau & Co Sdn Bhd & CIMB Islamic.

Hmmm... dah macam ada motif pulak serangannya terhadap 1MDB itu..

Ini dokumennya..

 Laporan berkaitan..

Umno man who lodged report against 1MDB a bankrupt?

GEORGE TOWN, Jan 9, 2015:

Rumours are rife that Umno Batu Kawan vice-chairman Khairuddin Abu Hassan, who lodged a police report against the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) last month, is a bankrupt with his property about to be auctioned off.

Court documents currently making their rounds on the internet reveal that the Malaysia Department of Insolvency (MDI) has declared Khairuddin a bankrupt on May 14, 2014, the same date that the Penang High Court issued the order on Khairuddin’s alleged bankruptcy.

When contacted, Khairuddin, who was aware of the MDI bankruptcy declaration, declined comment.

He only said that his lawyers were now in the process to “resolve the issue”.

The copy of MDI bankruptcy declaration, which has gone viral on social media sites, revealed that Artisan Fokus Sdn Bhd was the petitioner of the case no 29-1974–07/2013.

Khairuddin also said he was unaware that his property estimated to be worth at least RM2.1 million in Mont Kiara, Kuala Lumpur would be up for auction sale tomorrow (Saturday).

A copy of proclamation of sale revealed that the penthouse in Mont Kiara would be auctioned off at 10.30am on Jan 10 at Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur.

The proclamation disclosed that the petitioner for this case was the CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad while the licensed auctioneer is Ng Chan Mau & Co Sdn Bhd.

To this, Khairuddin also responded: “I will check with my lawyers.”

The high-end property is said to have been bought by Khairuddin as a “wedding gift” to his wife, popular actress Umie Aida.

 ~ TheRakyatPost

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